A Delhi court on Tuesday granted interim bail on medical grounds to two people arrested in connection with the violent protests against the amended citizenship act in Seelampur here. Additional District Judge Brijesh Garg granted the relief to accused Yusuf Ali and Moinuddin for three weeks subject to each of them furnishing of a bail bond of Rs 20,000 with a surety of like amount.
The court asked both of them to get themselves examined and treated at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital here after being released from jail and listed the matter for final disposal on January 21. According to Ali’s lawyers, he suffers from hypothyroidism due to which he was getting regular fits in Mandoli Jail.
Moinuddin had sought bail for immediate surgery owing to injuries sustained to his hand allegedly during the violent protests. According to his lawyer, the injuries were allegedly due to lathi-charge on him. However, the police contended that he injured himself while hurling a petrol bomb during the protests.
In a separate matter relating to bail applications of 11 accused in the violence at Seemapuri here, the court adjourned the hearing to January 6 along with the bail plea of Nazim — an accused in the violence at Dayalpuri here.
During the hearing, the court was informed by the police that investigation of all cases of violence related to the protests in Delhi have been transferred to a Special Investigation Team of Crime Branch and sought more time for filing a report.
The court had sent 14 people arrested in connection with violent protests at various places in northeast Delhi against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act to 14-day judicial custody.
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Source: Financial Express