In a regulatory filing, private lender RBL Bank, today announced the appointment of veteran banker R Subramaniakumar as its new managing director and chief executive officer. The announcement comes nearly six months after ‘s long-term MD & CEO Vishwahir Ahuja had stepped down. The appointment has been made for a period of three years.
“The board of directors have approved the appointment of Mr. R Subramaniakumar as Managing Director & CEO of the Bank for a period of three years with effect from date of his taking charge, under Section 35B of the Banking Regulation Act 1949,” read the readout.
Subramaniakumar is the former head of business transformation at
and has previously served as administrator of Dewan Housing Financial Corporation Limited (DHFL).
He has 40 years of experience, which includes a stint as Executive Director at and Indian Overseas Bank, Managing Director & CEO of and an Independent Director of the UC Pension Fund Limited.