The RBI has already reached out to some of the major banks which are the lenders to the Adani Group and is engaging with lenders to verify the exposure details, one of the person quoted above said.
Adani group’s stocks have nosedived after the Hindenburg report’s release (Getty Images)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is looking into the details of banks’ exposure to Adani group companies and has sought the present status of these loans, people familiar with the matter told Moneycontrol.
The RBI has already reached out to some of the major banks which are the lenders to the group and is engaging with lenders to verify the exposure details, one of the persons quoted above said.
The Adani group companies have seen shares plummeting following a recent research report by a short-seller which followed the cancellation of group’s Rs 20000 follow on share sale.
An email sent to Adani group seeking a response to this story remained unanswered till the press time. A separate email sent to the RBI too seeking official comment didn’t elicit any response.