PATNA: Bihar Chief Minister and JD(U) president Nitish Kumar on Tuesday asserted that “all is well” in the NDA even as his party vice president Prashant Kishor opened a front against BJP leader and his deputy in the government Sushil Kumar Modi.
“All is well” was Kumar’s terse reply as he walked past a posse of journalists here who waited eagerly for him to speak out on the turmoil that has engulfed the alliance between the two parties over the past few days.
Kishor had taken to Twitter on Monday to remind Modi that he owed the Deputy CM’s chair to “circumstances” that helped him enjoy power despite his party having lost the last assembly polls in 2015.
His tweet was a riposte to attacks by Modi on the micro-blogging site the day before, in which the deputy CM refrained from mentioning the poll strategist-turned- politician by name.
Source: Economic Times