Mahindra has launched the rear-wheel drive (RWD) variant of the second-gen Thar in India with introductory prices starting at Rs 9.99 lakh (ex-showroom). Like the 4WD variants, the Thar RWD will be available with both petrol and diesel engine options though there will be notable changes under the skin. As with the Thar 4×4, the new Thar RWD is available in AX(O) and LX trim levels. The full price list is as follows:
AX (O) RWD – Diesel MT – Hard Top | Rs 9.99 Lakh |
LX RWD – Diesel MT – Hard Top | Rs 10.99 Lakh |
LX RWD – Petrol AT – Hard Top | Rs 13.49 Lakh |
The petrol engine carries over unchanged and is the same 150 bhp 2.0-litre turbo-petrol engine as the 4WD model. As on the 4WD model here too its only available with a 6-speed automatic gearbox. The diesel engine meanwhile is new to the Thar. The 2.2-litre mHawk 130 diesel makes way for the smaller 1.5-litre CRDe engine from the XUV300 and Marazzo and develops 117 bhp and 300 Nm of torque – down 13 bhp, though torque is identical to the 2.2-litre unit. The new diesel also packs in engine stop-start tech. The diesel unit is paired with a 6-speed manual gearbox as standard and lacks the option of an automatic. The RWD variants also drops the off-road-centric hardware of the 4×4 model.
Cosmetically there is little that has changed over the Thar 4×4 with the most notable exterior change being the lack of the 4×4 badging on the rear fenders. Inside meanwhile, the second lever for the 4WD system is now replaced by an additional storage pocket while Mahindra has also switched around some switchgear on the dashboard. The RWD also gets two new colour options – Blazing Bronze and Everest White. Unlike the 4×4 models, there is no option for a folding soft-top.
The 4×4 variants of the Thar now gets a brake locking differential as standard; Mechanical locking differential an option on the 4×4 LX diesel.
In terms of equipment, the Thar RWD continues to offer kit such as remote locking, rear defogger, USB charging sockets, driver seat height adjust, cruise control, 7.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system with navigation, tyre direction indicator, tyre pressure monitoring, dual airbags, ABS, rear parking sensors and ESP.
Compared to the 4×4 the mechanical changes and deletion of the 4×4 hardware has made the Thar 2WD much more affordable. In terms of pricing the petrol models now cost about Rs 2.33 lakh less than the 4×4 variant while the diesel variants are more affordable by up to Rs 4.20 lakh.
Mahindra says that the launch prices are valid only for the first 10,000 bookings with deliveries to commence from January 15, 2023.
Mahindra has also updated the Thar 4×4 for 2023 with the model now getting a electronic brake locking differential co-developed with Bosch. Mahindra says that the new tech will make driving the SUV in low grip environments easier though buyers of the Thar 4×4 LX Diesel will get the option of a Mechanical Locking Differential. Mahindra is also offering new accessories packages for the Thar for 2023 with buyers now also able to option rear armrests with cupholders and USB charging points.