Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched a Twitter campaign in support of the Citizenship Amendment Act. Prime Minister reiterated that the CAA is not about taking citizenship, but giving citizenship. “#IndiaSupportsCAA because CAA is about giving citizenship to persecuted refugees & not about taking anyone’s citizenship away. Check out this hashtag in Your Voice section of Volunteer module on NaMo App for content, graphics, videos & more. Share & show your support for CAA,” the PM’s personal website and the Narendra Modi Mobile App Twitter handle tweeted.
In another tweet from his official handle, the Prime Minister referred to a video of Jaggi Vasudev, fondly known as Sadhguru, to say he exposed the lies being spread by the opposition parties.
PM Modi asked people to listen to the 22-minute-long video of Sadhguru to clear their misconceptions about the Citizenship Act.
“Do hear this lucid explanation of aspects relating to CAA and more by Sadhguru. He provides historical context, brilliantly highlights our culture of brotherhood. He also calls out the misinformation by vested interest groups,” the PM tweeted. He coupled the tweet with (hashtag) #IndiaSupportsCAA and link of Sadhguru’s video.
In the video titled “CAA Protests – Sadhguru on Citizenship Amendment Act & NRC”, the founder of the Isha Foundation talks about the new law. Without naming any political party, Sadhguru said, “In a very calibrated way, somebody send the message to the minorities that your citizenship is under threat. This lie did fly for a week, now it’s landed.”
The PM’s tweet comes in the midst of ongoing unrest in the country over the citizenship law. The law was amended by the Parliament earlier this month. It promises to grant Indian citizenship to non-Muslims coming to India from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh due to religious persecution there.
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Source: Financial Express