The Agriwatch Agri Commodities Index rose 0.74 per cent to 125.85 during the week ended Dec 28, 2019 from 124.92 the previous week and registered its tenth successive weekly gain, during which it has gained 9.6 per cent. The rally was led by edible oils, oilseeds, cereals and sugar. The Edible Oils Index stood out by also recording a 10th successive weekly gain during which it gained 17.6 per cent. The base for the Index and all sub-Indices is 2014 (= 100). Seven of the nine commodity group sub-Indices and 25 of the 29 individual commodity sub-Indices, ended the week higher. The commodity group sub-Index values and their weekly changes are: Cereals: 121.96 (+1.57 per cent), Pulses: 131.27 (+0.48 per cent), Potato & Onion: 256.08 (-11.10 per cent), Edible Oils: 130.37 (+3.15 per cent), Oilseeds: 120.26 (+2.20 per cent), Spices: 161.37 (+4.65 per cent), Sweeteners: 106.27 (+1.22 per cent), Fibres: 105.19 (+0.99 per cent) and Other Non-Food Articles: 86.01 (-1.37 per cent).
Source: Economic Times